Metro Nashville Public Schools
Adjunct - Part-time (Position Pool) - SY 2023-24 - (Job Number: 23001367)
What's your preference?
Job Description
- Req#: 121332
- The teacher follows Schoology course set-up guidelines each semester.
- The teacher creates and maintains a Microsoft Bookings Calendar.
- The teacher maintain two (2) days and three (3) hours of availability one (1) of which includes weekly (1) hour drop-in office hour via teams. The other day includes (1) hour of bookings availability for general support and (1) hour of support and intervention weekly.
- The teacher creates and maintains a Microsoft Teams link for Weekly Live Office Hours.
- The teacher posts Weekly Course Updates via Schoology by 10:00AM Monday.
- The teacher hosts (1) hour of weekly live office hours.
- The teacher responds to student, parent, staff, and partner inquiries and questions within twenty-four (24) hours except for weekends, district holidays, and Virtual School breaks.
- The teacher utilizes Microsoft Teams Number for all Virtual School communications.
- The teacher grades student submissions and provides actionable academic feedback within seventy-two-(72)-hours of submission.
- The teacher Marks Missing Assignments missing by 11:59PM every Tuesday.
- The teacher syncs and posts Weekly Progress Grades via Schoology & IC by 11:59PM every Tuesday.
- The teacher syncs and posts Quarter Progress and Report Card Grades via Schoology & IC by designated dates.
- The teacher rewards v-Bucks weekly by 11:59PM every Tuesday.
- The teacher completes Welcome Telephone Calls with Students and Parents as well as Documenting those Calls via S&I.
- The teacher completes Progress Calls with Students and Parents as well as Documenting those Calls via S&I.
- The teacher completes Parent-Teacher Conferences as well as Documenting those Calls via S&I.
- The teacher monitors and participates in module discussion boards.
- The teacher provides varied modalities of high-quality feedback (written, video, audio).
- The teacher provides feedback based on the SOLO taxonomy.
- The teacher feedback is Personalized, Actionable, and Timely.
- The teacher focuses on Feedback Quality over Quantity.
- Feedback is provided on every upload assignment and to open-response quiz questions if applicable.
- The teacher provides early & often progress monitoring & identification.
- The teacher provides Support to struggling students.
- The teacher provides enrichment to excelling students.
- The teacher submits S&I entries for all correspondence including parent calls, meetings & conferences, as well as interventions.
- The teacher collaborates with other MNPS Professionals (EE/EL Teacher, Interventionist, School Counselor, Partner School Advisors, Etc.)
- The teacher participates in the Teacher Leadership Institute held each semester.
- The teacher participates in Continuous Improvement Cycles.
- The teacher participates in Collaborative Planning Opportunities.
!*!Job Title
adjunct teacher
job description
(Last Updated: February 2023)
Reports To
Executive Principal and Assistant Principal of MNPS Virtual School.
Position Type
All adjunct teacher positions are part-time, semester teaching assignments. The position is for a single semester with no guarantee of future employment. For high school teaching posts, a valid Tennessee license with the appropriate secondary endorsement is required. For middle school teaching positions, a valid Tennessee license with the appropriate secondary endorsement or any one of the following is required: Elementary 1-8, Middle Grades 4-8, or Middle Grades 5-8. Preference in hiring is given to current Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) teachers.
MNPS Virtual School only offers the courses listed below. Teachers certified to teach any of the below courses should apply for adjunct employment opportunities.
6-8 English Language Arts
English I, II, III, IV
Integrated Math I, II, III
Art History
6-8 Math
World History
Bridge Math
General Music
6-8 Science
US History
Lifetime Wellness
6-8 Social Studies
US Government
Physical Science
Business Communications, Business Management
4-8 Physical Education
Intro to Business & Marketing
4-8 Visual Art
Personal Finance
Web Design II Site Development
4-8 Music
Spanish I, II
Computer Science Foundation
Web Design I Foundation
adjunct Salary Plan
MNPS Virtual School adjunct teacher salaries are set annually. No benefits are included with this position.
Throughout the duration of employment at Virtual School, teachers are required to perform a set of professional responsibilities to the best of their ability. Responsibilities are also outlined below, which include the following:
Systems & Structures
Weekly Expectations
Mid-Quarter & Quarter Grading Task
High-Quality Feedback
Support & Intervention
Professional Growth & Learning
For high school teaching posts, a valid Tennessee license with the appropriate secondary endorsement is required. For middle school teaching positions, a valid Tennessee license with the appropriate secondary endorsement or any one of the following is required: Elementary 1-8, Middle Grades 4-8, or Middle Grades 5-8. Highly qualified status under No Child Left Behind is also required. Preference in hiring is given to current Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) teachers. ENDORSEMENTS MUST ALIGN WITH THE COURSES TO BE TAUGHT, SEE Course Management and Access (
MNPS Virtual School (748)
4805 Park Avenue, Suite 300
Nashville, TNAbout the company
Metro Nashville Public Schools, or MNPS, is a school district that serves the city of Nashville, Tennessee and Davidson County.