
Inpatient Wound Care RN Educator

Employment typeFull-Time

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  • Job Description

      Req#: 24-17985

      Why ThedaCare?

      Living A Life Inspired!

      Our new vision at ThedaCare is bold, ambitious, and ignited by a shared passion to provide outstanding care. We are inspired to reinvent health care by becoming a proactive partner in health, enriching the lives of all and creating value in everything we do. Each of us are called to take action in delivering higher standards of care, lower costs and a healthier future for our patients, our families, our communities and our world.

      At ThedaCare, our team members are empowered to be the catalyst of change through our values of compassion, excellence, leadership, innovation, and agility. A career means much more than excellent compensation and benefits. Our team members are supported by continued opportunities for learning and development, accessible and transparent leadership, and a commitment to work/life balance. If you’re interested in joining a health care system that is changing the face of care and well-being in our community, we encourage you to explore a future with ThedaCare.

      Benefits, with a whole-person approach to wellness –

      • Lifestyle Engagement
        • e.g. health coaches, relaxation rooms, health focused apps (Wonder, Ripple), mental health support

      • Access & Affordability
        • e.g. minimal or zero copays, team member cost sharing premiums, daycare

      About ThedaCare!

      Summary :

      Provides leadership and support for delivery of safe, effective, culturally-competent care for adult patients who have health needs related to wound care. Practice is characterized by a flexible, innovative, and confident self-directed approach to patient and family care. Key accountabilities include assessment, diagnosis, outcomes identification; planning, implementation, and evaluation of care using critical thinking and evidenced-based practice; active participation in education, quality monitoring and performance improvement activities; adherence to the Professional Practice Standards as defined by ANA.

      Job Description:

      This Wound Care RN will primarily be based out of Appleton with the flexibility to float to Neenah. M-F and primarily days with the exception of a PM shift on a rotation schedule to ensure all staff are being supported.


      • BSN required (MSN preferred)
      • Minimum 3 years wound care experience Required
      • Wound Care Certification required. Additional Ostomy care certification preferred or obtained in 6 months of hire
      • RN licenses in the state of Wisconsin
      • Basic Life Support ( American Heart) Required


      • Provides direct oversight, assessment, and implementation of wound care
      • Provides guidance, instruction, training, and direction to RN clinical staff
      • Responsible for PI /quality metrics and top decile patient outcomes
      • Serves as liaison between patient, RN, physicians, and Wound Center leadership
      • Creates competency evaluation and ongoing education at the unit level for RN’s and support staff
      • Serves as a group leader and acts in an informal supervisory role.
      • Maintains a visible presence with daily rounding on high risk patients
      • Keeps up to date on current product and contemporary would care treatment


      Values B ased Leader - Is an ind i v idual who demonstrates lea der ship that is c ons istent w ith t he life inspired m o v e ment that i ncor por a t es ThedaCares m iss ion, v i s ion, val ues, pri nci p les and p rom ise to our pa t ients. Embodies the values and pri nci p les of compassion, leade rsh ip, exce ll ence, innovation, and ag i l it y.

      Credib i l ity - Is an expe r ienced leader wi th a big pi c t ure v iew and a t rack record of accompli shments and r esul ts wi th the approp r iate ur genc y.

      Syner g ist ic Team Player - Possess s tr ong rel a t ionship bui lding sk i l ls that syner g i zes w ith pee rs, c o l lea gues in se n ior mana g e ment, other t eam members, boa rd, employees, corpo r a te and t he communi t y. An indi v idual who genu ine ly en joys wor k ing w ith ot hers in a t eam based env ironment. V i e wed as a t eacher a l ways look ing for root ca use d iagnos is, l ear n ing and i n t e r vent ions that las t.

      Passion f or Core Miss ion - C reat es an env ironment t hat nu rt u r es i n teg r i ty in o the rs a nd se lf. A dept at inspi r ing and promoting our m iss ion of i mprov ing the heal th and w e l l -being of our com munit i es by empowering each pe r son to li ve the ir un ique best l i fe.

      Servant Leadership - Leads with purpose; has pe rsonal d ir ect ion and is not easily sidet rac ked by detai ls and wor k load. Demonstrates s tr ong comm it ment to t he succe ss of t he or gani zat ion, and is will ing to make personal sac r i f i ces to cont ribu te to that succ ess. T e l ls t he t r u th and is described by othe rs as hones t; consi s ten tly takes respons i b i li ty for h i s / her ac t ions. Handles c r it icism eff ect i vel y; does not act t h r eatened or get over ly de fens i ve when othe rs a re cr i t ical or prov ide feedbac k. Pursues, responds to and uses fee dbac k. Is a w il l ing and pat ient l i s tener and is open to feedbac k. G enuine ly car es about peop le; is concerned about their work and non - work problems.

      Strategic Agi l i ty and Innovation- Effec ti vely uses co mplex mental pr oce sses. Is s k ill ed at ana l yz ing probl e ms and m a k ing clear dec isi ons. Is s k illed at p rob lem iden t i fi cat ion. Is insi ght ful; sees t h ings f rom new ang les. Intell ectual ly sha rp, capab le and ag i le. Ba lances shor t - term payoff w ith lon g - term i mprov e ment. Embraces f lexibi l i ty and new ideas, gene rat es

      new ideas and c rea tes innovati ve sol u ti ons. A d jus ts to change eas i l y. T h inks "out of t he box." Lear ns qu ick ly when f acing

      new prob lems. M a intai ns and fos t e rs in o thers an unde rstanding of t he bus iness env ironment as w e ll as an awareness of econom ic, rel i g ious, social and po l i ti cal t rends that may i mpact the o r gani zat ion.

      B ias for Ac tion - Is adept at planning, i mplementing and evalua ting. Can marshal res our ces (peo p le, fund ing, materi al suppor t) to get t h ings done. Ma kes t ough dec isi ons in a ti mely manner. Adept at t ak ing risks. V isi onar y; sei zes new oppor tun i t ies and consisten tly gener a tes new ideas. Int roduces and crea tes nee ded change even in the face of oppos i t ion. Has t he cou rage to take a s tand when o the rs d i sag ree, go against t he s tatus quo and per severe in t he face of opposi ti on. Knows how to get t h ings done bo th through f o r mal channe ls a nd t he i n for mal networ k.

      Develop ing Ot hers - Uses ef fec t i ve l istening sk ills and com munica t ion to invol ve ot hers, bui ld consensus and i n fl uence othe rs. E ff ect i vely develops ot hers by generat ing the ir com m it ment to goals, ent r ust ing them w ith dec i s ion - mak ing and crea t ing str uct u res to enab le them to accomplish t heir wor k. Effec ti vely de legat es res pons ibi l i ty and a llows e mployees the fr eedom to l earn from the ir exper iences. Coac hes and encourages employees to develop in the ir ca ree rs. Ge ts fac tions w ith competing per spec ti ves to lea rn from one ano the r. C rea tes leaders a b le to car ry forth m iss ion.

      Leading Chan ge - Ensures that a ll team m e mbers in t he or gani zat ion cl ear ly unde rstand the overall s tr a teg ic i mperati ve dri v ing change f or their speci f ic g roup and for the or gani zat ion as a who le. Ensur es that a ll t eam m e mbers under s tand how change i mpac ts t hem and know what t hey can do to i mprove their ab i li ty to be success f ul du ring nons top change. Ensur es that all team m e m bers understand the d i f f e rence bet ween change and t rans i t ion, and know how to get themsel ves through t ransi ti on on an ongoing basis. L inks and engages all levels of leadership in the o r gani zat ion to ensure the ent ire or gani zat ion embrac es the shor t -, medium- and long- term strategy both in t i mes of prosper ity and c r isis. Must embrace and persona l ize the L if e Inspired move men t, our v a lues and pr inc iples of the organ iza tion.

      Leading Transi ti on - C reates the cond i t ions f or a culture that demonst rates responsi ve awareness and purposeful flex i b i l ity so that t he or gan i zation can be ef fec ti ve in its t rans i t ion. Con t inuously l inks all the changes to the curr ent st rateg ic i n i t i a ti ves that wi ll res u lt in the rea l i zati on of the over a ll s t rateg ic di rec t i on. Owns the com munica t i on flow for the changes and con ti nual ly finds ways to i mprove the inf low and out flow of change rel a ted infor mation t h r oughout the or gani zat ion. Intent iona lly leads ind i v iduals, teams and the o r gani zat ion thr ough t he t rans i t ion the changes a re crea t ing. C rea tes a cu lt u re of hope in the unce rt a in rea l i ty of t ransi t ion.

      Coach and Leader - Has succe ssf u ll y, t h rough an empower ing team approach, bui lt a st rong, cus tomer focused team of dir ect o rs, mana gers and employees that execut i ves, oper a tions mana gers and ot her t eam m e mbers l i ke to work w ith and seek out for adv ice and counsel. It is a values based approach where one “r o l ls up hi s /her slee ves” expec t ing hi gh per for mance and accoun tab ility from all m e mbers of t he t eam. Becomes a teacher of others hi ghl i ghting excepti onal per for mance and l ear n ings from both favorab le and un favorab le ou tcomes.

      Commun ica tion Ski lls - Possesses excel lent oral, w r it ten and one -on-one comm unica t ion sk i l ls. H o lds ot hers at all levels accountable. Has the courage and is a b le to a r t i cul a te const ruc ti ve feedback about ac ti ons a nd pe rf o r mance todir ect repor ts a nd ot hers at all levels. Is able to make clea r, concise and easi ly under s tood p resentat ions to the co rpo r a te board and senior lea dershi p, as w e ll as at t he physici an, cl ini cal and day - t o -day operat ional levels. The abi l i ty to make the complex si mple. A s t rong and ac ti ve l i s tener.


      • Ability to move freely (standing, stooping, walking, bending, pushing and pulling) and lift up to a maximum of fifty (50) pounds without assistance
      • Category 1: Job classification is exposed to blood borne pathogens (blood or bodily fluids) while performing job duties


      Clinical, Patient Facing:

      • Frequent exposure to sharp objects and instruments

      • Occasional exposure to moving mechanical parts, fumes or airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals, and risk of electrical shock.

      • Occasional high noise level in work environment.

      • Possible exposure to communicable diseases, hazardous materials, and pharmacological agents.

      • Occasional contact with aggressive and or combative patients.


      Scheduled Weekly Hours:


      Scheduled FTE:



      ThedaCare Regional Medical Center - Appleton - Appleton,Wisconsin

      Overtime Exempt:


  • About the company

      ThedaCare is a non-profit healthcare organization with a level II trauma center, comprehensive cancer treatment, stroke and cardiac programs as well as a foundation dedicated to community service.