
Medical Science Liaison-BC-Chengdu

Employment typeFull-Time

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  • Job Description

      Req#: R-188063

      J OB PURPOSE 工 作 目 的

      Sum marizes the job’s purpo se or ro le and why it exi sts in the organi zation

      概 述 工 作 的 目 的 或 角 色 及 其 在 机 构 内 的 价 值

      Field-ba sed po sition respons ible for i mplementation of acti vi t ies for estab li shment of sc ienti f ic l eadersh ip of A straZene c a. This inc lud es de vel opment and en han cement of profess ional re lat ion ships w i th h eal thcare profess ional s, bu il d i ng deep sc ien t i f ic un derstan d ing of A straZene ca compounds. Dr i v ing po siti ve op inions for the sc i enti f ic and cl ini cal v a lue of AZ compounds for pati ents’ ne eds. De l i ver medi cal educat i on a nd cl i n i cal suppo rt to medi cal profess ion a l s, training s a les teams and i n v o l vement in develop ment of brand strate g y. The po s i t ion m ay a l so be involved in re v i ew of product mate r ials and response to medi cal quer ies.

      The re a re 4 l e vels in MSL techni c al ro le, i.e. M SL, S r. MS L, E xecut i ve MS L and Principle MSL.

      N A TURE & SCOPE 工 作 性 质 及 范 围

      (a) Orga n i zation structure 组 织 机 构

      (P lea se attac hed an updated organi zat ion cha rt of your team 请 附 上 你 所 属 团 队 的 最 新 结 构 图)

      Depend ing on spe c i f ic team structure

      - Fun ctional ly reports to 功 能 汇 报

      (Plea se s pe c ify p o siti on t itle 请 注 明 职 位 名 称)

      Depend ing on s pec ific team structure

      - O peration a l ly reports to 运 作 汇 报

      Depend ing on s pec ific team structure

      ( b) Key work ing re lat ionships 主 要 工 作 关 系

      - Inte r nal c onta cts w i thin AZ 内 部 联 系 Other Medi c al affai rs fun ction Commerc i al (i.e., Sales, Ma rketing…) Evidence Generation

      Ma rket A ccess

      Comp l ian ce

      - E xternal c onta cts with organi zat i ons outs ide AZ 外 界 联 系


      Health Care P rofe ss i onals

      Study Investi gato rs

      Payer Cus tomers and Policy Makers

      (c) Job req u i rements

      E ss ential

      A c ad emic / P rofess ional qua l ifi c ati on

      · Ma ster advan ced degree in clinical / life science qu a l ifi c ation or 2+ y ear on re lev ant expe r ien ce of me d i cal aff a i rs in pharma c euti c al company

      · Bache lor deg r ee with strong m edi c al background or 4+ y ear relevant expe r i ence of medi c al aff a i rs in pha r maceu t i cal c ompany

      Techni c al / ski ll

      · Kno w l edge and e xpe r ien ce of the pharmac euti c al industry and t he a r ea of field medi cal li a i sons

      · Abi l ity to inte ract a nd man age a r ange of stakeh o lde rs both interna lly and externa l ly

      · Kno w l edge of leg i s l ati on re levant to pharmac euti c al s a les and ma rket ing

      · Sel f -ma nag eme nt and execut i on a b i l ity

      Des i rab le

      Unde rstand ing of mul t i p le a spe cts with in Me d i cal Liai sons

      E xpe rien ce in t r a i n ing/ consulting

      La ngu age abi l ity 语 言 能 力

      F l uent in s poken/ wr itten Eng li sh

      Computer li teracy 电 脑 知 识

      F l uent Mi crosoft Off i ce o peration ski lls

      R ole and R espo nsib ility


      Cr itical actions

      M easurements

      E xternal Med i cal & S c ientific en gagement

      Build, enhance and

      maintain the engage me nt with scientific leader

      · 60% of t i me in fi eld engaging HCPs and external stakehold e rs across t erritory and brands

      · Proactively id e nti fy HCPs with high leve ls of scie nti fic exp ertise in local treat me nt practice to collaborate on speci fic m e dical mark eting activities

      · De v elopm e nt and imple m e ntation of KEE engage me nt plan in collaboration with line manager. R ev i ew with line ma nager this plan

      every quarter, develop KEE visit plan- this includ es pre call v i sit/engage me nt plan with clear objective of the v i sit, k ey points discus sion for

      the visit, data to be shared and discu s s ed with

      the KEE

      · De v elop o wn scie ntific know l e dge for d i scus sion on all aspects of the data to be shared with KEE in a scientific, objecti ve and balanced way through

      1:1 discu ssion s. Prepare for such interactions

      with p eer group discu ssion s. Res pond to un solicited re que sts for in for mation about unappro ved AZ products or u nappro ved u ses of appro ved products, prese nting s uch in formation in an objective, sc i e ntifically balance d, s ub stantiated mann er. De v e lop database of Key external experts and also pro v i de recom me ndations for ad visory board participation


      · 60% of a vailable t i me s p e nt m eeting KEEs. (Available time = total days minus holiday s, we ekend s, sickn es s)

      · Complete records of KEE visits and regular re view by MSL line ma nager (define routine r ev i ew as monthly for n ew starters and quarterly for non-n ew start ers)

      · Coverage/engagement of KEEs versus plan

      · Impro v em e nt in a d vocacy sc ore


      · Meeting skills and prese ntation skills based on in field coaching and ass e s s m e nt

      · annual role play a sse s s m e nt of capabilities and sc i e ntific knowle dgeu se standard ass e s s m e nt form and m ethodology

      · Feedback from KEEs

      Build and maintain tru s t-

      b ased relation s hips with

      external stakehold ers

      · Build AZ relation s hip with k ey external stakehold e rs (e.g. patie nt advocacy group s, k ey me dical organ i zation s, hos pital pharmacy). Find opportunities to collaborate with such external stakeholde r s. Pro vide sc i e ntific s upport in CME

      e v e nts and through appropriate me dical s pon sors hip s/ partn ers hip

      · Act as sci e ntific exp ert in the disease area( s) by prese nting th erap e utic updat es to ext ernal

      stakehold e rs

      · Quantity of CMEs and Me dical

      Spon sors hip v e r s us plan

      · Po sitive cu sto mer f e e dback post e v e nts

      De v elop or initiate

      scie nti fic programs to explore un met me dical n ee ds in priority dise a se area(s)

      · Work with HCPs in scie ntific activiti es that h elp ad vance dis ease und erstanding s uch a s:

      - Id e ntify and recommend KEEs for Advisory


      - Id e ntify potential s p eak e rs a nd train s p eak e rs as appropriate

      - Interact in the field with the me dical comm unity in the context of various me dical projects, such as clin ical trials, ESRs, sc i e ntific exc hange m eetings

      - Discu ss potential in v olv e m e nt in LCM

      - Res pond to un solicited off lab el qu estions from KEEs

      · Able to conduct basic discus s ions on clinical trials in t erms of study d esign and f easi bility


      · No. of Ad visory Board Me etin gs ve r s us plan

      · No. of P2Ps/round t a ble discus sions ve r s us plan

      · No. of CMEs v ers us plan

      · No. of ESRs com m unicated


      · Positive custom er f ee dback

      · In field ob se r vation by line ma nager and coaching form

      M ed i cal & Sc ientific S upport for internal stakeho l ders

      Act as s cie ntific expert in

      priority disease area( s) for internal stakehold e rs

      · Continuou sly acquire and up date n ece ssary scie nti fic know l e dge on th era p e u tic area and rele vant compounds

      · Pro vide the AZ internal stakehold ers with an und erstanding of the local m edical co mm unity, clinical practice, tre n ds and real or p erce i ved gaps in current scie nti fic know l e d ge and me dical treat me nt, co m p etitor in formation

      · Pro vide regular update on partn ers hips with HCPs, as s p eakers, or in the context of me dical projects

      · Initiate and conduct ap propriate AZ staff training &

      d evelop me nt on in formation regarding current and emerging clinical data and emerging tre nds in clinical m e dicine and practice within TA

      · To work with internal cro ss f unctional team on formulary listing

      · Pro vide scie nti fic s upport at AZ spon sored e ducational eve n ts


      · % of trainings conducted v ersus plan

      · No of days pro viding training ve r s us plan



      · Fee dback on training from participants

      · Fee dback from bu sine ss partn ers on quality of contribution to Me dical and Brand plans – collected by line manager

      Personal Deve l opment

      Continuou sly d emon strate d evelop me nt of scie nti fic exp erti se in dis ease area(s) of co m pany focus

      · Att e nd rele vant sci e ntific congre s s es and HCP m e etings to gath er new knowle dge on AZ compound s, competitor in for mation and th erap e utic area

      · Po sitive engag e m e nt and res pon se to coaching and fee dback receiv ed from li ne manager

      · In daily work tak es time to reflect on cu stom er interactions and works on areas agreed with line manager as priorit i es for d e velop me nt. De velop f unctional capability in the role

      · Proactively de mon strate the AZ Valu es

      · Id e ntify areas for se l f - d e v elop me nt a nd discuss d evelop me ntal ne e ds with line manager using the

      70-20 -10 principle (exp erie ntial learning, coaching/n etworking/r elation s hip - bas ed learning and classroom training). Active participation in AZ training, projects, and meetings d e p e nding on d evelopme nt ne e ds


      · 100% co m pletion of training as re quired on Me dical Acade my and AZLearn

      · Fee dback on co ngre ss re port/highlights s hared with cros s- f unctional team as plann ed – comple t ed fe e dback t em plates

      · Has a p ersonal d e v elopm e nt plan and co m pletes id e ntifi ed d evelop me nt act i vities as pla nn ed

      Comp liance

      C omp liance with relevant

      company and indu stry code of Conduct and also to co m ply with local country cod es

      · Keep regular update and op e rate within the rele vant Cod es of Conduct, Ethical Interactions

      (EI), including GPEI and SOPs

      · Be sure to und erstand AZ policies w h en engage to

      KEEs and key external stakeholder.

      · 100% adh e r e nce to co m plian ce

      J OB PURPOSE 工 作 目 的

      Sum marizes the job’s purpo se or ro le and why it exi sts in the organi zation

      概 述 工 作 的 目 的 或 角 色 及 其 在 机 构 内 的 价 值

      Field-ba sed po sition respons ible for i mplementation of acti vi t ies for estab li shment of sc ienti f ic l eadersh ip of A straZene c a. This inc lud es de vel opment and en han cement of profess ional re lat ion ships w i th h eal thcare profess ional s, bu il d i ng deep sc ien t i f ic un derstan d ing of A straZene ca compounds. Dr i v ing po siti ve op inions for the sc i enti f ic and cl ini cal v a lue of AZ compounds for pati ents’ ne eds. De l i ver medi cal educat i on a nd cl i n i cal suppo rt to medi cal profess ion a l s, training s a les teams and i n v o l vement in develop ment of brand strate g y. The po s i t ion m ay a l so be involved in re v i ew of product mate r ials and response to medi cal quer ies.

      The re a re 4 l e vels in MSL techni c al ro le, i.e. M SL, S r. MS L, E xecut i ve MS L and Principle MSL.

      N A TURE & SCOPE 工 作 性 质 及 范 围

      (a) Orga n i zation structure 组 织 机 构

      (P lea se attac hed an updated organi zat ion cha rt of your team 请 附 上 你 所 属 团 队 的 最 新 结 构 图)

      Depend ing on spe c i f ic team structure

      - Fun ctional ly reports to 功 能 汇 报

      (Plea se s pe c ify p o siti on t itle 请 注 明 职 位 名 称)

      Depend ing on s pec ific team structure

      - O peration a l ly reports to 运 作 汇 报

      Depend ing on s pec ific team structure

      ( b) Key work ing re lat ionships 主 要 工 作 关 系

      - Inte r nal c onta cts w i thin AZ 内 部 联 系 Other Medi c al affai rs fun ction Commerc i al (i.e., Sales, Ma rketing…) Evidence Generation

      Ma rket A ccess

      Comp l ian ce

      - E xternal c onta cts with organi zat i ons outs ide AZ 外 界 联 系


      Health Care P rofe ss i onals

      Study Investi gato rs

      Payer Cus tomers and Policy Makers

      (c) Job req u i rements

      E ss ential

      A c ad emic / P rofess ional qua l ifi c ati on

      · Ma ster advan ced degree in clinical / life science qu a l ifi c ation or 2+ y ear on re lev ant expe r ien ce of me d i cal aff a i rs in pharma c euti c al company

      · Bache lor deg r ee with strong m edi c al background or 4+ y ear relevant expe r i ence of medi c al aff a i rs in pha r maceu t i cal c ompany

      Techni c al / ski ll

      · Kno w l edge and e xpe r ien ce of the pharmac euti c al industry and t he a r ea of field medi cal li a i sons

      · Abi l ity to inte ract a nd man age a r ange of stakeh o lde rs both interna lly and externa l ly

      · Kno w l edge of leg i s l ati on re levant to pharmac euti c al s a les and ma rket ing

      · Sel f -ma nag eme nt and execut i on a b i l ity

      Des i rab le

      Unde rstand ing of mul t i p le a spe cts with in Me d i cal Liai sons

      E xpe rien ce in t r a i n ing/ consulting

      La ngu age abi l ity 语 言 能 力

      F l uent in s poken/ wr itten Eng li sh

      Computer li teracy 电 脑 知 识

      F l uent Mi crosoft Off i ce o peration ski lls

      R ole and R espo nsib ility


      Cr itical actions

      M easurements

      E xternal Med i cal & S c ientific en gagement

      Build, enhance and

      maintain the engage me nt with scientific leader

      · 60% of t i me in fi eld engaging HCPs and external stakehold e rs across t erritory and brands

      · Proactively id e nti fy HCPs with high leve ls of scie nti fic exp ertise in local treat me nt practice to collaborate on speci fic m e dical mark eting activities

      · De v elopm e nt and imple m e ntation of KEE engage me nt plan in collaboration with line manager. R ev i ew with line ma nager this plan

      every quarter, develop KEE visit plan- this includ es pre call v i sit/engage me nt plan with clear objective of the v i sit, k ey points discus sion for

      the visit, data to be shared and discu s s ed with

      the KEE

      · De v elop o wn scie ntific know l e dge for d i scus sion on all aspects of the data to be shared with KEE in a scientific, objecti ve and balanced way thr

  • About the company

      AstraZeneca PLC is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company with its global headquarters in Cambridge, England.